Monday, July 13, 2009

Taping for A & E's "I SURVIVED" series

While Rita (who is assisting with the blog) enjoys a well deserved vacation with her family this week, I ask readers indulgence while for format is cleaned up on this blog. We're moving to a more abstract, colorful image. This surviver is on the move the next couple weeks, so there will be fewer posts until August. Today, however, I had the privilege of being interviewed in Van Nuys studios for A & E's "I survived" series. My story is sooo big, its challenging to edit it down to that format. My 3 hour interview will be cut down to a 10 minute segment. Given those confines, many elements could not even be addressed, which I feel will leave viewers scratching their heads...I'm curious to see what makes it out of the editing room. Last week, this survivor was interviewed by Tracy Pattin, for Sizzle in the Middle. You can see that interview on U-tube at and I encourage readers to post your comments or questions. It is YOUR feedback, your questions and comments that help me to provide valuable content. A & E couldn't let me mention my website. I requested they publish the website and phone number for the National DV Hotline on the screen when the segment aired... they cannot, but the producer said she hoped they would not edit out my mention of the hotline and 1-800-799-SAFE. Its all about the awareness. Thank you for your support. I LOVE YOU.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the manifestations of your bringing that which already exists into the physical. You will always be in the right place at the right time.

To your continued manifesting.

Adalia John said...

Congrats on the manifestations of your bringing that which already exists into the physical. You will always be in the right place at the right time.

To your continued manifesting.