Sunday, July 19, 2009

Touched by Angels

After four hot days in Phoenix, this survivor was delighted to be home to participate in the once monthly gathering of the Touched by Angels group that meets in Redondo Beach. Tho I've got a week of business in Henderson, NV, having 36 hours at home, to re-fuel in the company of this incredible group, and enjoy ocean breezes. How many times in your life, do you remember thinking some sort of devine intervention spared your life or serious grief? Or perhaps a friend or family member shared their experience with you. Angels surround us in all we do. I'm inviting my readers to reflect and share their experiences. My dear long time friend, Nancy, told me decades ago about her angel intervention. Held in the clutches of evil, I remembered her angels and summoned them to my rescue. Next week, this blog will get down to business. YOUR COMMENTS and feedback add value. Thank you for your support, and remember the national hotline is available 24/7 at 1-800-799-SAFE. I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Pam, I just got back yesterday. We had no cell phone service up there. I am troublshooting right now.