Thursday, July 9, 2009

Survivor On A Mission Interview

Today it was this survivor's privilege to be interviewed by the fabulous Tracy Pattin for her internet program, Sizzle in The Middle. Typically topics involve mid-life adventures or transformations. I admitted to Tracy, I'm pretty green when it comes to talking about my story. Until sentencing, I was advised to say very little. With taping for A & E's "I Survived" biography series scheduled for Monday, this opportunity to begin working thru my camera-shyness was much appreciated. Tracy is a delightful host. She set me at ease, and re-taped so I could capture what didn't flow as I responded to her questions. Tho I'm a bit challenged, technically speaking, the U-Tube video will be imbedded to this blog ASAP. Presently, it is available through my Facebook page. For the purposes of this interview, Tracy focussed on how I rebuilt my live following trauma with just a hint of the escape, and none of the torture during captivity. I'd like my readers to comment on the U-Tube "Sizzle in the Middle"...your feedback will improve my delivery to relate to more people. Your help plays in important role in the awareness campaign. AND I LOVE YOU!

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