Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sustainable Structure

While the SurvivorOnAMission website is under development, this blog provides constantly changing internet portal. By bringing violence awareness to the forefront and building strong strategic alliances, this survivor will draw upon professional training and personal experience to promote a pilot safety net system for those at risk of physical violence. To provide the greatest value to readers, it seems a loose structure might make for more efficient archiving. I expect to make 6-8 blog entries weekly. At least one entry will be a current event reflection. One entry will include statistics and awareness tips. One entry will be of appreciation/thankfullness. One will highlight potential or established collaborators. One about unexpected connections. At least one entry will be like a journal, or chronicle of the steps from concept to manifestation. Likely once a month, I'll blog about an incredible Angel Group that meets in Redondo Beach. We get to know each others angels and collectively ask angel blessings for those who will benefit from angel intervention. I shared with the group that while hospitalized, workers told me they saw angels at my bedside. Surviving a fatal injury, the legalities...on behalf of all the angels that infused me along this journey, I OWE a huge return on investment. Please share your feedback and comments so that this blog and soon to accompany website deliver the value you deserve. Remember 1-800-799-SAFE and I Love YOU!

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