Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"I SURVIVED" Preliminaries

Today I had the privilege of meeting Marina DeLima, Producer with A&E's "I Survived" Biography series.  While she travels quite extensively, this New Yorker appeared to be delighted to plan this 4th of July in the South Bay.  Marina's cameraman colleague (I'm ashamed to admit I forgot his name that began with a I do routinely since "Darren Woodley" attempted to kill me) would be headed to Washington for his next assignment.  Marina is masterful in breaking down what seems sooooo big in my minds eye, to something palatable.  The next stage will be completed in Van Nuys or Burbank studio in a couple weeks. KUDOS to A&E for using my story to bring awareness to family's not always what it appears.  Tho this episode won't air til early next year, powerful momentum is building...join me, in invoking angels, that through awareness the safety net will manifest and protect those we love and those who need it most. Visit the website for the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or call 1-800-799-SAFE, the National 24-hr hotline in the US.

1 comment:

Adalia said...

I applaud you for having the confidence to come out of the shadows to claim your greatness. By so doing, you are owning your experience and that is incredibly powerful. From this position, the answers and solutions the universe has for you will be revealed and from what I can see, it has began to happen consistently.

So many women suffer in silence, regardless of their socio-economic position.

What are the tools do we need to give to our young girls, so that they will be equipped to identify and avoid these toxic situations?

I know nothing can be gauranteed, however, how do we raise the odds in favor of a woman (young girl) avoiding this experience.

What tools do we put in our young women's toolkit of life, so that even in times of distress, they can remain courageous and confident and avoid the vulture seeking his next prey?

Keep up the good work and live the life you love.