Monday, July 6, 2009

Retracing Steps of a Serial Offender

One of the goals of (under development) is to retrace the path of Darren Woodley, my assailant, who is now serving a 30 year sentence at Walla Walla. Even before the site is launched, I am aware of other ladies this demon has offended over the past two decades. Unprosecuted for years, his pattern apparent; strangulation is his M.O. and he seems to place himself in the medical arena where he "shops for his next mark". The King County (Seattle, WA) Prosecution team and other of Woodley's victims I've spoken with concur he has likely offended dozens if not hundreds of ladies and/or minors during the past two decades. While his DNA has been collected for comparison in unsolved cases, we believe others will come foreward with the knowledge Woodley is safely confined and poses no further threat to those assaulted or their families. Sadly, we believe Woodley has left corpses in his wake...most probably victims of strangulation, preceded by rape. I'll admit the legal processes and delays were difficult at best. Had I not filed a complaint and followed through like his victims that preceeded me, this animal would be stalking his next victim...maybe someone YOU know. While I sympathize with those who just want to move on and forget it, the abuser will strike again! Once a pattern of physical violence and sexual abuse is established, expect it to recurr. Just this weekend I spoke with a lady who told me how she narrowly escaped two separate rape attempts in her teen, never prosecuting. I'd like my readers to comment about their experiences or if they know of family/friends who have declined to prosecute sexual or physical assaults...Please, YOUR feedback adds value to this site! With the help from the National DV Hotline and/or local agencies, take action to break the cycle of the abuser while standing up for what you know is right for yourself, your family, and your community. It won't be easy, but it does feel good and there's plenty of help out there. 1-800-799-SAFE Together, we will make a difference! I'd love to hear from you. I LOVE YOU!

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