Thursday, August 13, 2009

Signature Product under development

Blessed with some of the finest coaches, mentors and advisors to expand my vision while keeping focused on short term production, this week came an AH-HAW moment. Its a joy and a privilege to build relationships with my shelter partners. Through these shelter partners, I'll have the opportunity to educate and inspire. Longterm goals for SURVIVOR ON A MISSION are beyond ambitious. Meeting early benchmarks is important in building momentum. Having escaped and surviving extreme domestic violence, I found myself completely disabled physically, emotionally, financially, and legally. Every relationship was alienated. Post trauma, from ground zero, I had to re-design my life. Every problem is a door to opportunity. Transcending these problems has made me an expert of sorts, in the journey from SURVIVE to THRIVE, Life Re-Designed, Post-Trauma. That journey, in lecture series, will inspire hope in the woman who is just entering or considering entering a shelter, to women's groups, community groups, and members of religious communities. Developing this series will allow this Survivor's experience to inspire others in a meaningful way in the short run. For live lectures, content will be tailored specific to each audience. Examples include: Under emotional control of a sociopath /Effects of witnessing family violence on young children / Corellatiom between spousal abuse and child abuse / Corellation between animal abuse and child abuse / Breaking the cycle / Financial abuse / Sexual abuse / Emotional Abuse / Safety planning / supporting one who is actively battered / Cultural sensitivity & awareness. My shelter partners are supporting the series and look forward to providing it to their clients. Your comments or questions are always welcome. If you or someone you care about is being abused, the National DV Hotline awaits your call at 1-800-799-SAFE. I LOVE YOU!


Adoptee/Survivor said...

Testing comment section.

Anonymous said...

TEST comment