Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Oxymoron...well, medically speaking a fractured larynx is classified as a fatal injury resulting from strangulation.  The vocal chords swell up and victims lose consciousness then die.  In my case, my airway was about the thickness of a thread; and once a tracheotomy was performed, I breathed through a trach for months until 80% of my vocal chords were removed by laser.  Now that my assailant, Darren Woodley has been sentenced to 30 years at Walla Walla, I'm stepping out of silence to bring violence awareness to the forefront.  Did you know there is a national hotline with trained advocates answering calls 24-hours a day from folks who simply don't know who to trust...1-800-799-SAFE can tell you how to help if you witness or suspect domestic violence.

1 comment:

Adoptee/Survivor said...

I never would have known that someone could survive a "fatal" injury. I guess that's because it's so rare for someone to do so, which truly makes you a survivor. But more than that technicality, you are a survivor because you have the courage to come forward and move beyond being a "victim." In doing so, you give hope to many others who are struggling with their own battles to regain their identities, their confidence, and their ability to find create new lives for themselves. Thank you for being their voice, as well as your own. I hope many people find you and are inspired by your messages.

Posted by: Jennifer | 06/25/2009 at 02:19 PM