Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tho widely UNreported, STATISTICS are staggering...

The National Domestic Violence Hotline issued their Decade for Change Summit Report in 2007 indicating that one in four U.S. women have been physically raped or physically assaulted by an intimate partner, compared to one in 14 men.  Additionally, women were 7-14 times more likely to report an intimate partner beat them, choked them, tried to drown them or threatened them with a gun. Further, "while conflicts exist in many relationships, domestic violence is less about conflict than it is about the need to control one's partner."  "Broken bones and blackened eyes may be the most visible signs of domestic violence, but the threats and intimidation that go on behind closed doors help support the violence".  This survivors personal experience is absolutely consistent.  Especially in isolation, battered women are brainwashed to accept that somehow our actions triggered the violence.  YOUR PARTNERS REACTION is his responsibility (whether you undercooked the peas or truly made a mis-step).  Remember the National Hotline is always available at 1-800-799-SAFE or visit   I LOVE YOU!

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