Friday, June 26, 2009

Blue Ribbon Day at Toastmasters

Stepping out of Silence, Toastmasters was an obvious first step.  For those who don't know, Toastmasters is an International Organization that develops public speaking skills. Novice members give what is called an icebreaker, where they introduce themselves to the group in a 5-7 minute speech.  In the course of the meeting, often there is one icebreaker in the mix of informative, humorous, and pursuasive speaches as well as tall tales by speakers of varied experience (many with several years, even decades of experience).  Each speech is evaluated based on specific criteria and a blue ribbon awarded for the best speech, overall.  As I embark on this journey, stepping out of silence, likely I took this speech more seriously than most. I included one of my copywritten poems as an overview of my dark journey.  The feedback I received from these amazing, accomplished speakers fuels my enthusiasm to refine and deliver a message I feel so passionately about. My TM Mentor, Heidi Swan, is an actress who has done community service work for Sojourner, one of the local DV providers, and is coaching me in retelling my story.  Heidi will likely be a future guest-blogger as well.  Once I see the tape, I'll decide about posting it on U-Tube or perhaps on my website.  Stay tuned.  I LOVE YOU! 

1 comment:

Adoptee/Survivor said...

What Pam fails to mention in her entry is that she WON the blue ribbon for her icebreaker speech! (C'mon, Pam, brag a little!) I heard the speech the day before she gave the official Toastmasters presentation; I wanted to give her a chance to practice it under timed conditions. I was very moved by not only what she said, but how it was delivered. Granted, it may have come across a little differently at Toastmasters, because it was her first time being "judged" by a number of people, and nerves can alter our delivery, as most of us know. But obviously she came through with flying colors. I truly hope she will provide the link to the actual winning speech when it's available. I certainly will encourage (read: be on her case) to do so!

Posted by: Jennifer | 06/26/2009 at 04:59 PM