Monday, September 7, 2009

Law of Attraction interview

It was this survivors distinct privilege to be interviewed by the enlightened Cassie Parks for her internet radio program at The interview will be streaming from 9/8/09 at 6PM for one week, then available thru archive. In my journey from SURVIVE to THRIVE, I became a serious student of personal development and the law of attraction. My readers, family and friends frequently find it difficult to accept that we draw people, circumstances and events into our lives based on our thought given to them...EVEN the horrible aspects. In my interview with Cassie, I discuss how I came to accept my role in attracting my ordeal as a necessary part of my purpose on this earth. Now my thoughts are much more intentional. Do you believe things just happen to you...outside of your control. If this is what you believe, it is your truth. Consider instead adopting a philosophy that YOU are the master of your destiny and that the universe will deliver the necessary elements for you to achieve your desires. Indeed, the universe will respond to your fears and worries, if that is where YOUR head is. Keep your mind focussed on your values and desires, for yourself, your community, and our world. Put yourself to sleep considering all you have to be grateful for in your life. In slumber, this attitude of appreciation sets your vibrational energy for the next day. Envision our world in complete harmony, envision laughter and joy. If your day was less than delightful, recall instead a perfect day. Sweet dreams, and stay tuned. Your comments add value, so please chime in with your thoughts. I Love YOU!

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